
This tutorial describes obj, a minimalistic object system for Tcl.

As I made it for my project on computer-generated cartoons, the examples in this tutorial deal of a simple system of morphing lines. We create a class line and a class morph which interpolates two lines.

The code lines in this tutorial show the dialog of interactive shell tclsh. The percent sign % is the prompt. Completed lines without leading prompt are responses of Tcl as you are used by the shell.

Loading package

Either you have just copied the file into some directory, then input:

% source obj-0.1.tm

Or, if you have put it to your package path, then input:

% package require obj

Class definition

First, we create our class line:

% obj class line
class line


Every line has coords for the start and end point stored in option -coords. The default value shall be {10 10 100 10}:

% obj configure line -coords {10 10 100 10}
class line has option -coords with default {10 10 100 10}

First instance

Now is the time for all brave ... err ... well, we try our first object creation:

% set line1 [obj new line -coords {10 10 10 100}]
obj inst::3

No smoke at the keyboard. Phew. Now let us check if coordinates have value as expected:

% $line1 cget -coords
10 10 10 100

Defining methods

Our line shall be able to appear and disappear on an arbitrary canvas widget. (Note that inside methods, the variable $self refers to the object itself):

% obj method line appear canvas {
  $canvas delete $self
  $canvas create line [$self cget -coords] -tags $self
method line appear
% obj method line disappear canvas {
  $canvas delete $self
method line disappear 

Now try it out:

% package require Tk
% pack [canvas .c] -expand yes -fill both
% $line1 appear .c



As expected: a vertical line appears.

Trust is cool. Control is hot: Validating options

To avoid inappropriate values for option -coords, we always validate them on change:

% obj validatemethod line -coords val {
  foreach c $val {
    if {![string is double -strict $c]} then {
      return -code error\
        [list $self expects for -coords only numbers\
          but received $c]!
validatemethod line -coords

If we happen to try to configure our line1 with inappropriate values for -coords, an error is raised:

% $line1 configure -coords {x 2 3 4}
obj inst::3 expects for -coords only numbers but received x!

Defining a morphing method

This method destructively moves object's coords towards another line object:

% obj method line morph {other f} {
  set coords {}
  foreach {x0 y0} [$self cget -coords] {x1 y1} [$other cget -coords] {
    lappend coords [expr {$x0+($x1-$x0)*$f}] [expr {$y0+($y1-$y0)*$f}]
  $self configure -coords $coords
method line morph

Next class: morph

Now, the basics are done. We start our morphing class

obj class morph
class morph

An instance of morph needs a starting line, an ending line, a resulting line, coords for each of them, and a state:

% obj configure morph -coords {10 10 10 100}
class morph has option -coords with default {10 10 10 100}
% obj configure morph -startcoords {10 10 10 100}
class morph has option -startcoords with default {10 10 10 100}
% obj configure morph -endcoords {100 10 100 100}
class morph has option -endcoords with default {100 10 100 100}
% obj configure morph -state 0.0
class morph has option -state with default 0.0


Objects can have private data. If one private date is the name of another object, then we can treat this as a component. The constructor of morph shall install components start, end, line:

% obj constructor morph {x0 y0 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3} {
  $self private start [new line -coords "$x0 $y0 $x1 $y1"]
  $self private end [new line -coords "$x2 $y2 $x3 $y3"]
  $self private line [new line]
constructor morph

Now, let us test it:

% set m [new morph 10 10 10 100 50 50 30 100]
obj inst::5

We can always see all names of private data of the instance:

% $m private
start end line

See the value of private curve:

% $m private line
obj inst::8

We can invoke any defined method of private line:

% $m component line cget -coords
10 10 100 10


The methods appear, disappear are delegated to component line:

% obj delegate method appear morph line
class morph delegates method appear to component line.
% obj delegate method disappear morph line
class morph delegates method disappear to component line.

The option -coords relates to component line:

% obj delegate option -coords morph start
class morph delegates option -coords to component start.

Delegation with different target names

The option -startcoords relates to option -coords of component start, the same for end, so delegate options with explicitly set name of target options:

% obj delegate option -startcoords morph start -coords
class morph delegates option -startcoords to component start.
% obj delegate option -endcoords morph end -coords
class morph delegates option -endcoords to component end.

Read-only options

Option -coords is set by configuremethod -state (see below). Setting it directly should be forbidden:

% obj read-only morph -coords
option -coords of class morph is read-only.

Actions triggered by configuremethod

Our morphing object shall change its component line depending of option -state, thus we define the appropriate configuremethod:

% obj configuremethod morph -state s {
  $self component line configure -coords\
    [$self component start cget -coords]
  $self component line morph [$self private end] $s
configuremethod morph -state

Now, test it:

% $m configure -state 0.5
% $m appear .c

The morphed component line appears on canvas .c.

To watch the state of $m continuously, we create a scale which interactively sets the state:

% scale .c.s -orient horizontal
% place .c.s -anchor sw -relwidth 1.0 -rely 1.0
% .c.s configure -command [list apply {{obj num} {
  $obj configure -state [expr {$num / 100.0}]
  $obj appear .c
}} $m]



What remains? Just fine-tuning as you wish.

Have fun with object-oriented programming!

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