All fills and lines consist of dots. So there is OO class dot
Common variable canvas
to show up – not only for debugging but also for casual hilight.
Common variable instances
– useful for calculating ID for I/O via XML.
Attribute -x
, -y
for coordinats on plane.
Private data baseX
, baseY
for storing original coordinates, and lines
for line objects using current dot object.
Variable zoom
intende for scaling factor on Canvas widget.
obj class dot -common { canvas .c instances {} } -configure { -x 0.0 -y 0.0 }
obj constructor dot args { $self storeXY # Liste der verwendenden Objekte line my lines {} foreach {x y} [concat {*}$args] { $self configure -x $x -y $y } $self storeXY our instances [concat [our instances] $self] }
obj destructor dot { $self show no set index [lsearch [our instances] $self] our instances [lreplace [our instances] $index $index] }
obj inscope dot variable zoom 1.0
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